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William Turner in Monaco

Prue Bishop visits Turner at the Grimaldi Exhibition in Monaco

One normally associates Monaco with roaring engines of Formula 1 cars and also acres of super yachts in the harbour. All of which adds up to enormous wealth from those who have created enormous wealth.

But on an insufferable hot day in August, I once again travelled across Europe to support my iconic master, William Turner, in the Grimaldi Exhibition in Monaco. 

Turner is a 19th century English painter who transformed the approach to painting which has, in my opinion, never been equalled.

I say this without reservation, because this man communicated life as he saw it no matter what subject, with paint, pencil and print.

His key objective was communication and this is what I have based all my creativity on as you will see in my own paintings.

The quote as one entered the subdued pavilion was his own:

My business is to paint what I see, not what I know is there.

JMW Turner • Artist, 1775 - 1851

The photograph featured here describes him well. 

Reaching for the sky and making me feel very small.

Prue Bishop infront of the Grimaldi Forums in Monaco

Prue Bishop August 26, 2024
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